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Bill Axelrod, K3WA, moved to Woodford County, Illinois to enjoy his retirement, the fine weather in the mid-west, and, of course, the wonderful propagation we experience in the Black Hole.
My family is very supportive of my hobby including my passion for disappearing for weekends at a time for contests.
Brenda and I decided that it was time to downsize - smaller house, less land, much less maintenance and of course - fewer antennas. Like none. Except maybe something stealthy. We bought a home in Pittsboro, NC and moved in on 31 December 2019. I am active on the bands and in contests using my home station with a highly compromised stealth antenna and remote ham radio. Putting my station back together is a job in progress.
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73..... Bill
Bill Axelrod 31 March 2021
So, what's a ham to do after spending 10 years building a competitive contest station? Why, you tear it all down and relocate.